Why we take cow urine (gomutr) ?
After some recent scientific research on the benefits of consuming cow urine, its demand is increasing rapidly and in many places in Rajasthan it is being sold more expensive than cow's milk. According to the news of English newspaper TOI, farmers are getting Rs 30 per liter on cow urine in Rajasthan, while selling cow's milk gets Rs 22-25 per liter.Know the benefits of cow urine -
Many useful ingredients have been found in Desi cow's cow urine, that's why Gaumutra has so many benefits.
1. Sulfur: It increases the speed of intestine and purifies the blood.
3. Copper: This prevents excessive fat freezing.
4. Iron: It retains the RBC number and stabilizes the strength.
5. Phosphate: It is a lithotripe act.
6. Sodium: It purifies the blood and prevents the formation of excessive acid.
7. Potassium: It increases appetite and removes muscle soreness.
8. Manganese: It is anti-bacterial and gives relief in gas and gangrene.
9. Urea: Urea is the main element found in the urine and protein is the end product of the process. It is a powerful antiviral agent.
10. Uric acid: It is similar to urea and has powerful anti-bacterial properties. Apart from this, these cancers help in controlling the elements.
11. Minerals: Metals can be easily reabsorbed from urine in comparison to metals derived from foods. Probably more different types of metals derived from foods are present in the urine. If it is left as is, then the urine becomes turbid. This is because the enzyme that is in the urine dissolves and converts into ammonia, then due to the alkaline nature of the urine, the large minerals do not dissolve in it. That is why Basa urine looks like turbid. This does not mean that urinary drugs.
12. Urokinase: It dissolves frozen blood, aids in heart disorder and improves blood circulation.
13. Epithylium Growth Element: It improves and regenerates damaged cells and tissue.
14. Group-induced elements: It is effective in cell division and multiplication.
15. Hormone Growth: This effect is a factor in different bio-functions such as boost in protein production, cartilage development, fat.
16. Erythropoietin: a boost in the production of blood cells
17. Gonadotropin: boost normalizing the menstrual cycle and sperm production
18. Kallikarin: The release of kallidine, dilation of external veins, decrease in blood pressure
19. Trypsin inhibitor: prevention and recovery of muscle tumors
20. Allantoin: To heal wounds and tumors.
21. Anti-cancer elements: anti-neoplaston, H-11 iodol - acetic acid, deracetin, 3 methoxy, etc. are different from chemotherapeutic drugs which harm and destroy all types of cells. This is the multiplication of cells of cancer.
22. Nitrogen: It is diuretic and stimulates the kidneys naturally.
23. Calcium: It purifies the blood and nourishes bones, aids in blood coagulation.
24. Salt: It is anti-bacterial and prevents coma ketoacidosis.
25. Vitamin A B C D and E: Prevention of excessive thirst and provides strength and strength.
26. Lectose Sugar: Strengthening the heart, preventing excessive thirst and vertigo.
27. Enzymes: Improve immunity, boost secretion of digestive juices.
28. Water: Controlling body temperature. And keep the blood fluid intact.
Use of cow urine in organic farming According to TOI news, many farmers in Rajasthan are using cow urine for organic farming, farmers are spraying cow urine instead of pesticides to protect the crop from pests, leading to increased demand for cow urine is. Maharana Pratap Krishi Vishwavidyal, located in Udaipur, Rajasthan, is also procuring cow urine from farmers for its organic farming, according to the news, the university purchases 300-500 liters of urine every month and it costs Rs 12000-15000. They fall.
Cancer treatment with cow urine?
Recently, Junagadh Agricultural University in Gujarat has said its scientific research that the use of cow urine can cure diseases like cancer. The university has said in its research that it has been successful in eradicating cancer cells using cow urine.
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